Although we often do not attribute great importance, our origins, personal connections, everyday relationships, information that reaches us daily, and what our senses perceive – greatly define us.
Our “roots” shape our culture, language, and values – ourselves. Our roots can also be personal barriers to our fulfillment, as they are accompanied by attachment, and it raises the question: do we truly act freely, when there is a shaping force around us?
What is the “root” that significantly moulds our life path and decisions? Do our roots contribute to our daily successes and failures? How much freedom do we truly have, to think and decide differently in our daily lives, while keeping our “roots” in mind?
NOVEMBER 18, 2023
Áron Tamási Theater
Why should You participate on a TEDx event?
The purpose of TEDxSepsiszentgyörgy is to give voice for creative, forward-looking thoughts that give impetus and inspiration both in professional and personal life, and to arouse the interest of the participants regarding their views and to aspire them to formulate questions about the world in which we live. By promoting and following the spirit of the TEDx events, which are organized independently locally, we believe that Ideas worth spreading – and they will lead us all, in the direction of a better future. At the same time, we also believe that inspiring stories are all around us, we just need to create the right resources and interface face to share them. With our event we want to provide this interface.
The talks will be made available on our website after the event, and they can also be viewed on the TEDx Talks YouTube channel. But you should know, that the live TEDx experience is not conveyed by the presentation listened online.
The organizers are volunteers of the Turul Office.

Gödri-Martis Huba

Furus Levente

Gheorghiță Raymond

Oláh Kata

Vizi Attila
Tickets can be redeemed until November 15. It is important that the tickets are personalized, i.e. only the owner of the data filled in when purchasing the ticket can use it.
TEDxSepsiszentgyörgy will be organized for second time, we will eagerly await for the participants feedback. For this, a feedback form will be sent out, after the event, to the e-mail address provided by the participants, when purchasing the ticket. Thank You!
/ person
Included in the price:
Participation on the event for 1 person
Coffee, water, meal
Participant package
TEDx experience
Program of TEDx Sepsiszentgyörgy 2022
1st of October 2022
Tamási Áron Theatre, Sepsiszentgyörgy
Gates openning: 11:00
Opening ceremony: 12:00
Ist session – 4 speakers : 12:15-13:30
Break: 13:30 – 14:00
IInd session – 4 speakers: 14:00-15:15
Break: 15:15-16:30 – catering/snack
IIIrd session – 4 speakers: 16:30-18:00
Closing ceremony: 18:00 – 18:30
The organizers reserve the right to change the program.